Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Where Am I Going With This?

I have been severely neglecting this blog. The last time I posted I was about to lose everything. Through a weird twist of events, I am now living in Salt Lake City, Utah. To make a really long story somewhat short, when I lost everything, I had some dark thoughts. Darker than usual. I really had no desire to live. I started a GoFundMe page to try to raise money to get another place, and get my cats back. Nothing was going for me in Seattle, and I was terrified to sign a lease for an apartment that I might not be able to afford. Seattle has gotten so incredibly expensive, you aren't getting an apartment for under one thousand a month. Someone donated to my page, and we started Emailing back and forth, and she mentioned at some point that SLC was cheaper, and it was relatively easy to find a job.
I started perusing Craigslist here. and I got the second apartment I liked! It was so easy. My new place is two bedrooms, with a big kitchen with lots of counter space, and a window. And it's half of what I would pay for a one bedroom in Seattle.
I'm hoping to truly heal myself here. When I moved to Erie PA, it was supposed to be a fresh start. A place to live where it wasn't so expensive, and I could breathe, and live without the strangling high cost of living. Because of family issues, and the general miserable disposition of that city, it wasn't the fresh start I would have liked. But I feel like I ave that here. It's much cheaper to live, and so far the people are very nice. I would say kind, there is a kindness I genuinely feel in this city.
I've been thinking a lot about this blog, and where I want it to go, and what I want to do with it. I have a lot of feelings I need to process, a lot happened in a month. I want to heal myself, and process my emotions in order to become the best version of myself. I feel like I'm actually ready for that.
So, for now I think I'm going to continue to pop on here and talk/vent about what I feel like I need to process. And I also want to talk about self love, and self care. I think we are conditioned to think of self love as selfish, when it actually is what makes you able to be the kindest you. I want to continue to talk about weight loss struggles. I believe that as I heal my insides, my outside will follow suit.

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