Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Musings

A few years ago I dated a guy who was a real movie and television buff. He was one of those people who talked a movie to death after watching. Sometimes it was charming, sometimes it was beyond annoying. The majority of our time spent together was either going to the movies, or watching movies or television shows, and dissecting them after. Looking back it's yet another of my relationships that really wasn't as fun as I thought at the time. If I didn't like a show or movie that he liked, he always found some sort of way to imply that I wasn't smart/sophisticated/ enough to understand the awesomeness of whatever we had watched. A few times it kind of tricked me into thinking I liked some of these shows or movies. One such show I checked out of the library recently. I got it home, popped the DVD in my laptop, and could not watch more than one episode. I did not like it, and in on the joke or not that is my opinion. I guess I'm kind of continuing Saturday's post. What I'm saying is this is the year I am going to be true to myself and my opinions. I have as much of a right as anyone else to like or not like something.  In the past I've done so many things that aren't me, or watched things that aren't me, it's not funny. I'm starting to learn that to love yourself means you have to be true to who you are, and you have to stand up for yourself. I have stood up for many people and animals in my time, but rarely for myself. It's a lot of work to love yourself, and there is a lot to be learned.
I'm off to meditate. I'm going to look for one that focuses on self acceptance. I definitely feel like meditation has opened up, or maybe just cleared a part of my brain, and I'm just so much more open to change. Like changing the way I handle and deal with certain things, I'm becoming more aware of the fact that I have a choice in how much things affect me. It's becoming something that I feel like I need in my life.A part of my routine, like anything else I do in a day to try to become a happy and healthy person.
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I have some friends who love TV and Movies and I can't talk to they about that sort of stuff because they have that similar vision- if it is good, everyone must love it or they aren't smart enough. I am a firm believer that "art" (be it film or a painting) can be good but that doesn't mean you have to like it.

    I think admitting what you like is much harder than what most people think. My friend had a similar issue where she use to "love" ska music and musical productions. I think it gave her something to relate to some of her friends. It took a while but she is finally reaching the point where is actually finding the music she likes. I don't really LIKE any of those artists, but I am happy she found a way to listen to herself.

    1. I feel like it's only easy to stand by what you like if you are completely surrounded by like minded people. But that rarely happens. And I agree, you can appreciate someone's art even if it isn't for you. Sometimes I feel like I fight and defend enough just being vegan, so I don't want to have to defend my choices in movies or such.
