Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Something that I notice in my adoptive parents, and also other Christians I've known is a habit to rest on their Christian laurels. They kind of rely on being a Christian. They don't do a lot of soul searching, or wondering what they can do to make the world a better place. Their answer to most things is "I know where I'm going at the end" Once when I asked them about their choice to not recycle, and they simply don't care because they will be long gone before shit gets real. I was surprised when I made my unfortunate move back to PA to see how little either one of them had grown or changed.
I have a podcast I've been listening to lately, and it's very inspiring to me. What I like the most about it is that it inspires me every time I listen to it to do better, and be better. As a vegan, I was kind of resting on my vegan laurels for awhile. There are a couple of products/ingredients that are technically vegan, but are they ethical is another question. I've read a lot of information, and for quite some time I chose to ignore what I read, because I wanted to use the product, and there are vegans who argue that it's fine, and it is considered vegan. I felt like I'm already doing enough. I'm an ethical vegan dammit. I like being inspired to do better. I want to keep learning how to be and do better until the day I die. I think constantly learning and growing is one of the most important parts of life.
There are so many shitty things in this world, it's hard to keep up sometimes. And it can be exhausting trying to do the right, ethical thing and feel like your fighting a losing battle. It's also easy to get self righteous, and put blinders on to what else you can do.
I feel like we should all be wanting to do what we can at this point to be the change. And that means changing and growing ourselves, always. And that requires more than showing up at church once a week, or choosing tofu.

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