Friday, May 13, 2016

All About That Sass

  This is not a YouTube channel that I subscribe to, and I have never watched any of her other videos, but I somehow stumbled across this video the other day, and decided to give it a watch, and I'm so glad I did. I have always greatly admired people who wear what they want, and just don't care. I'm not talking about the insincere, pseudo confidence that you see all over social media, I'm talking about the real people who proudly rock sandlals with socks, and anyone who wears something that society says isn't right for their body type. If that's what you want to do. I guess that's what I'm saying, if you are into the current trend of crop tops and don't have a six pack, wear one anyway. I've never understood why some people get so worked up, and feel like it's their duty to opine on what other people are wearing. I've known people who will just get so worked up, to the point where it almost ruins their whole day! Over something a stranger is wearing. People are so weird. I find myself strangely drawn to these type of body positive videos, even as I'm working on improving my own body. I admire and hope to absorb some of the sass and confidence!


  1. I don't really watch this vlogger either but I hear she is really great for body positivity. I agree, life it too short to let other people's opinion prevent you from wearing what you want.

    1. Finding this video was definitely a pleasant surprise!
      I am still digging my way out of the prison of caring what other people think/say. I hope to be all the way free someday, but it's a really hard habit to break, harder than cigarettes even! So, I really admire people who are super confident and comfortable in their own skin!
