Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Nobody Buts Baby in a Box

Earlier today I was standing in line waiting to buy some booch, and I happened to be behind a fireman. So, another cashier opened up another line, and came over to invite me to his line. Since I already had my stuff on the belt, I told the guy behind me to go ahead. So, the lady behind him said to me"you just want to be standing behind a cute fireman" I didn't know what to say, so I just laughed. And she just kept staring at me. Then, the fireman turned around and looked at me with a smile that said "you're busted" It was so embarrassing! And I was not overly excited about the dude in front of me. I don't lose my shit over men in uniforms, or any group of men. I resent people assuming these things just because I'm a woman. I've never appreciated being lumped in a box just because I'm a woman, or because I'm a vegan, or any other reason. And it felt like such a personal little tease, like something you would say to a good friend, or relative, someone that you know, not a stranger.
This is a perfect example of one of the reasons I loved drinking. I always had a snappy answer to make someone feel like a fool for trying to assume to know something about me based on one small part of me. Now, socially awkward me just clams up, giggles nervously, and thinks of all the zingers well after the fact, like on the bus ride home. Oh beer, you served me well.


  1. Ugh nothing is worse than being caught off guard and not knowing how to respond. I am sure the guy knew you were just being nice, or thought you might of been extra generous because of his SERVICE not for his body.

    1. Maybe you're right, maybe his smile was more understanding than like "ha, of course you're looking at me"
