Thursday, May 5, 2016

False Cheer

There is a bus driver that drives the route that I take most often. She always has stuffed animals, or flowers, or other stuff all over the dash of the bus, and sometimes there is a little sign above the fare sign saying "welcome" or "have a good day" or some other welcoming thing. And everyday it's something different, she takes this extra step very serious. She probably gets to work at least twenty minutes early to set up her bus. The strange thing about it is that I've ridden her bus enough times to say with absolute certainty that she is a mean person! She yells at people with the microphone if they do anything wrong, and if homeless people are sitting in the bus shelters, she will stop the bus and yell at them, and threaten to call the police. Even on rainy days, when there aren't even any people waiting for the bus to begin with, it isn't like they're bothering anyone.
A lot of bus drivers will help someone out if they don't have money, or don't have all of the fare. This lady not only says no, but she completely berates them. She can't just say no, and leave it at that.
I always get so annoyed when I have to ride the bus when she's driving. I've known people like that in my life. People that are really nasty and mean, but for some reason they're always the people volunteering to be Sunday school teachers, or to read to senior citizens, or something like that. And they are always the first to tell you to smile, or ask you what you're in such a grumpy mood for.
I feel that way about a lot of Christians I've known over the years. My adoptive mom watches some woman on some Christian channel, and she is the angriest, meanest looking person I've ever seen, and she's always yelling. I asked "D" one time why that lady is so pissed, and "D" looked at me like I was a monster. She explained that this woman has "beat the odds" and "fought anger" and has come out on the winning side of happy. Okay. The scary thing is apparently in the Christian world this woman has made big bucks by schilling books, DVDs, and seminars on how to get over your anger!
And I find that often time people who are trying to force cheer, or whatever down your throat are often actually resentful of people who actually are happy, or actually have no anger in their heart. They'll often act suspicious of people who are genuinely cheerful, because it's been impossible for them to achieve.
Be wary of these types of people. I know that in my past I've been intimidated and really bothered by dealing with this type of toxic person. I have a quote on a Post-It note in my bathroom reminding me that "no one can steal your joy without your permission"

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