Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dark Days, Heavy Heart

Today my heart is extremely heavy. Twice in one weekend there were senseless shootings, one a terrorist attack. What I'm more sad about is that I know what we as a country will do. We will be sad and angry for about a week, and we will tweet and gram and facebook, blog, whatever for that week. We on the more liberal, or should I say intelligent side will scream for gun control, and gun laws. The conservatives will defend guns, and slam Muslims. Then, after a week or so, those of us fortunate enough to not have been directly affected by these tragedies will shove it to the back of our mind, and forget about it. There are so many Kardashians to keep up with, and so much social media to attend to. Then, if history repeats itself, which unfortunately it keeps doing this will happen again, and wash, rinse , repeat. I think as a country we have mastered the art of temporary righteous indignation. It was only four short years ago that a grade school got gunned down, and TWENTY small children were killed! And not too long ago two people were shot live on television, not to mention all the others in between. The world is getting scarier and sadder by the minute. I feel more scared by the day. I've never been a huge fan of being in places with lots of people, and I'm liking it less and less.
At this point I have zero faith that it will change or get better. All I can do is hope that people who have super deep pockets, like bigger than the NRA start demanding the politicians do something. I am no expert, but having less guns in the world seems like a really good place to start in fixing the problem. How has this not already happened? I don't understand how we as humans just keep letting this shit happen. We should have done something so long ago, but at the very least when tiny children are getting fucking massacred is that not the time to maybe demand and not stop demanding some kind of change? Even if gun control isn't the answer, and it's something else, I don't care. We just need to do something.

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