Thursday, June 16, 2016

Getting Sucked In

I had a situation happen earlier this week that just totally emotionally drained me. I got sucked into some negative energy. It's now making me wonder why it is so easy to get pulled in that negative way. I can think of many, many times where I have been in a really good mood, and I've had the joy sucked right out of me. Or, this has happened at almost every job I've ever had, I swear I won't get sucked into any drama, or workplace drama, or pick sides with anything, and then one day I wake up and realize I've become totally involved in the gossip. Anyway, I wasted like two days of my life with a racing heart, felling pissed, crying, and getting involved in several nasty comment wars. You see, I saw a video of a vegan YouTuber (male) being extremely misogynistic. Like, disgusting. So, it triggered some stuff for me, because I have years of enduring perverts and sexual harassment at almost every job I've ever had under my belt. I didn't realize I had as much pent up anger as I do. Definitely something I need to explore more. Anyway, in a fit of anger I left a comment, and you know how the interwebz work, it's been dumb response after dumb response. I think what ended up upsetting me the most is the amount of females who defended him, or excused it.
I found a yoga video this morning on one of my favorite yoga channels,Yoga With Adrienne, and it was titled Letting Go, I knew I had to do it. To be honest, I only half believed it would help me, but believe it or not, after doing the video I felt lighter and calmer. And I realized what I so wish I would have a few days ago, and that is people like that exist. And there is always going to be someone who defends and agrees with bad behavior. And that's what a lot of toxic people want, they just want to spread negativity. I once knew someone who would say obnoxious things he didn't even really think just to get a rise out of people. The more upset people got, the more he delighted in it.
I feel so exhausted today, geting worked up and being pissed for two days really wears a girl down. I wonder how naturally angry people do it?
Being a sensitive person, I feel like my whole life people have been telling me to "not take it personal" or "don't get so offended" or my favorite"you're way too sensitive, toughen up"
I've never really learned how to toughen up, and to be honest in my opinion, the world needs more sensitive people, not less, and I have gotten better at not taking things personal, but it is a struggle.
I really wish we lived in a world where people were chastised for being insensitive, not sensitive.
But we don't, so if you are like me, and maybe have triggers, just try to remember that people who have crappy views exist, and the most obnoxious people are often the loudest. Try to focus on the quieter, more pleasant people in life, and breathe, and try that video. It isn't worth the energy, it really isn't.

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