Saturday, October 17, 2015

Emotional Laziness

You always learn things after a break-up. You see where you took some wrong turns, and sometimes you see the red flags that were there all along, you just somehow chose to ignore them.
Something I've learned is if someone is a lazy person in general, most likely they are going to be lazy in the relationship. As much as we hopeless romantics want to say love is love, and relationships should be just nothing but love and more love, the truth of the matter is they do take work. It takes compromise, and learning to grow and change, and also still be yourself. They can be amazing and wonderful, but only if they are nurtured.
My ex is a very lazy person in his free time. He feels that making macaroni and cheese from a box is really too much work. I actually have never met a lazier person in my life. I am not saying this out of spite, I am speaking the truth. It's actually kind of admirable in a weird way. You don't see that much dedication to anything these days. I never really thought about how his laziness affected our relationship other than my general annoyance at the fact that asking him to do anything around the house resulted in me doing it. 
When someone is too lazy to wash a single plate, how much work do you think they will put into the relationship? I don't want to make generalizations about all lazy people everywhere, but my ex will most likely never grow and change because, well that might take away from his zombie killing time.
When someone is lazy in a relationship, the relationship goes stale. 
It's very hard to not take it personal. I'm still working on that one. When someone refuses to do any kind of work on themselves, it kind of makes you feel worthless. Like you aren't worth fighting for. But the person is lazy, and they don't want to change, or even if they do it's just too much damn work.
I don't know if this is always the case, but with the lazy person I am speaking of, apathy goes right along with his laziness. Double whammy for me, apathetic people drive me INSANE! I will never go down without a fight, and I have to believe we can fight and change things for the better. We have to.
I'm finally really understanding that when someone shows you who they are, you have to listen.
As someone who can easily sink into the blues, and make poor choices to cope, it's hard to be a partner to a lazy person. I don't mind being the motivator sometimes, but I need to be motivated sometimes as well!
I don't want this to seem like I think we always have to be moving. I am a homebody, I wish I could work from home. This is about laziness above and beyond physical. My ex reads nothing. He gets his news from Reddit. He doesn't want to have conversations, like he just doesn't want to talk. He wants to talk to whoever he is talking to online as he's shooting zombies. He doesn't read any books, magazines, online articles, doesn't like or care about music, After knowing him for what seems like a hundred years, I don't know much that he does care about. It's actually very sad. I feel bad for anyone who is that dead inside.
Anyway, like the dense Donna that I am, I just made that connection today for the future me. If someone shows signs of laziness in their life, there is a good chance they might be lazy when it comes to a relationship. Proceed with extreme caution!

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