Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Unsubscribe, a Rant

When I first went vegan, (almost seven years ago!) I went vegan cold turkey. I read a PETA pamphlet that convinced me that being vegetarian wasn't enough. For me, and the changes I want to make in the world. I feel it's a very personal decision, and most of the people who stick with veganism seem to be the people who feel it in their own heart, in their own time. At that time in my life I didn't even own a computer, and to be honest I had no real interest in owning one. So I went vegan the old fashioned way, I read labels, read cookbooks, and relied on my own common sense, and I continue to learn as I go. I didn't die of any deficiencies, and I learned so much on my own. I didn't know any vegans at the time, so I was just doing it on my own. I remember those early days when it took me like five hours to grocery shop because I had to read every stinking label!
Once I got with the times, and started searching the world wide webz to see what was going on in the vegan world, I discovered tons of vegan blogs most of which I still read today, along with many new blogs I've learned about through the years. I also discovered vegan YouTube. While there are some amazing vegan YouTube channels that are very positive and uplifting, and also focused on spreading the vegan MESSAGE, not vegan judgment. Unfortunately the more popular channels seem to focus on a lot of negatives.There are endless videos of vegan YouTubers calling out OTHER VEGANS for their food choices, or their weight. There are also of course endless videos of vegan YouTubers calling out non vegans for their choices as well. While I don't agree with calling anyone out, at least a vegan calling out a non vegan for their food choices makes more sense than judging and calling out someone who is eating a VEGAN diet! And there also seems to be an obsession with being lean. I understand we have an obesity problem, and obviously lean is healthier than obese, but there is a whole grey area. I have also heard more than one vegan YouTuber imply that only lean people should speak out about the merits of the vegan diet. If you aren't lean, I guess you're an embarrassment to your community. The newest fad seems to be for one vegan to call out another vegan, then the called out vegan does a response, and then the other vegan does a response to a response, and it's just gag inducing. I seem to stand kind of alone in my opinion, as these response and response to response videos seem to be really popular, as are the videos with a lot of food and body shaming. If you dare to question any of these vegan "experts", well, just prepare to be attacked. If you disagree, you must be a) obese and totally unhealthy and b) not a real vegan.
The frustrating thing is how they react if someone disagrees. I don't want to be called obese or not a real vegan because I don't support negativity, and I think all of this judgment and shaming, and weight obsession is hurting and not helping the vegan community. I want to save animals, I want people to be kinder. I bite my tongue so often because I know the power of words, and I don't want to make a snarky comment to a non vegan and be just another judgmental vegan. It's a turn off. No one wants to join a club with a bunch of unpleasant people ready to judge you for not eating the right vegan foods once you have become vegan.
I hope that as vegans we can remember that while it's important to want to look vibrant and healthy to represent the vegan diet, we also have to think of our words. A lot of really mean people are very attractive on the outside. It doesn't mean I want to join them.
Also, I feel like I look pretty damn vibrant and healthy even if I'm not at my optimum weight, with zero percent body fat. And I am not obese, and I am a REAL vegan.


  1. Completely agree with you and the one channel we were chatting about a while back had another doo-zee. Funny thing is I have never subscribed to that channel but now I certainly will NOT.

  2. It makes me so sad because it seems like the more negative the channel, the more popular it is. The channels that just stick with promoting the lifestyle just don't get the views. If you ever read some of the comments, it's downright terrifying!

  3. I don't follow any You Tubers but I am in some vegan Facebook groups. They are mostly about posting pictures of food and are ok (What Fat Vegans Eat is a good one). There was one UK group that Matt and I
    Used to be in that was horrendous though with the people running the group
    developing overblown egos to the point where their comments were so offensive and bullying to new vegans. Matt made a comment about their behaviour and was immediately delayed from the group, literally two minutes later!

  4. It's so upsetting for vegans to be represented that way. And the close mindedness of a lot of these groups is mind blowing. If you dare to disagree with their approaches, well you just aren't a real vegan! They remind me of some family members who are super religious and conservative, and just write anyone off who doesn't agree,

  5. Funny that I don't follow any vegan youtubers (wait I do! only two- well three but she doesn't really focus on veganism, four is you count Mamrie Hart, okay I do follow vegan youtubers XD) Anyways, I am very against the vegan's are skinny sexy and perfect persona. I use to get remarks all the time that they don't want to be too skinny and blah blah blah. I think YouTubers are more prone to the criticizing since it I think equates more hits than blogs. It is also ignorant because SCIENCE is proving that there is a little more to being thin than just calories in and calories out. Mostly involving epigenetic and changing what you eat may never change that.

    1. I recently unsubscribed to a lot of vegan YouTubers who have just gone over the deep end. I know tons of skinny people who are very unhealthy, they just have speedy metabolisms. I just feel like if you are so obsessed with looking perfect on the outside, your kind of missing the point. I agree, I think a lot of the negativity results in more views. Very sad.
