Saturday, October 31, 2015


Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for my hill walk, I realized there is no way I can put a sneaker, or any other closed heel shoe on my heel. So, I put my flip flops on and told myself"no excuses". As soon as I stepped outside, I learned it was raining. Not super hard, but much more than a drizzle. I instantly thought of going back to my cozy apartment. I had the thought that I could go on the treadmill in the gym in my building, or I could easily find a cardio workout on YouTube. But I made myself do it. I trudged up and down that hill in the rain, in flip flops, walking through many puddles that I couldn't see, almost slipping in the wet leaves, and loving every minute of it. I don't like the rain. Never have, probably never will. But yesterday morning the rain felt like life, and I soaked it all in. When I got home, I realized that these morning walks have little to do with exercise, and everything to do with commitment and discipline. So far in my life, everything I've learned about commitment I've learned from my cats, so I have a lot more to learn. This is about the good and the bad. Happiness is a choice, and it isn't just handed to us. We have to be committed. We have to push ourselves, and sometimes go through rough patches. I know all of this, but in the past at some point I just give up, and choose the easier, more self destructive route. I see now that a pattern of mine is to let one excuse turn into another, until my goal is forgotten. I'm doing everything in my power to stop that cycle.
I found this picture at a thrift store. How's that for luck? This is my favorite Dr. Seuss sentence EVER! Usually I feel it is relevant to my passion for animal rights, but I also am using it for inspiration for my own self love.
Happy Saturday!


  1. I hope your feet heal soon! Once they do, you probably won't have any problems in the future. Over the years of walking a lot, standing all day, and running, I've developed some seriously ugly feet. But I don't get blisters! So I am cool with that. XD

    1. I kind of figured that my heels just needed to toughen up a bit. Since I'm a noob when it comes to wearing sneakers, I'm sure they just rubbed in a new/weird way.
