Friday, October 16, 2015

Trying to Figure it all Out!

Well, today was a beautiful, almost seventy degree sunny day. I was able to wear flip flops in October! I love it so much! I went about my day, running errands and such, and thought long and hard about what I wanted this blog to focus on. This morning I felt like it was going to be all about my ex boyfriends, and me, and relationships, but now I think I still want it to be about that stuff, cause I have lots of junk/baggage to work through. But I also kind of want it to be about other stuff too. Sometimes there are things I want to write about on my other blog, but since that is a vegan blog, I try really hard to keep it focused on vegan food, and other vegan issues. So, I guess this will be a whatever I feel like I need to talk about blog. I've been taking some writing classes at my local library, and one of the instructors said when you think or feel something, write it down. Write everything down. I have certainly been doing that! I have at least five or six notebooks filled with thoughts, feelings, some short stories, you name it! Since I am trying to grow as a person, and heal old wounds, I figure why not blog about some of it? Maybe some of my mistakes can help someone else. Maybe working through my mistakes can help me. I feel like the name and direction of this blog might change as I do, but I feel like this is something I need to do.
So, for right now expect lots of talks of exes, and storytelling, and lots of ranting, some vegan related, some life related!

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