Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day Five- Grogginess

Although I'm still as down as I was yesterday, today's meditation was much easier for me to get through and focus. I did a guided meditation focusing on gratitude. Every day I feel grateful that my body is still here and as strong as it is considering the abuse I put it through. This might sound silly, but one of the reasons i often walk instead of taking the bus is because I always think what if one day for whatever reason I can't walk, or can't walk as easily, I don't want to think back to all of the times when I could have walked and didn't. And walking is so much better now that I got rid of the cigs. Sometimes I catch myself when I'm going at a brisk pace just being blown away by how wonderful it is to breathe. and how amazing it feels to not be out of breath!
I've mentioned a million times that patience is definitely not something I was born with, or taught. I feel like this meditation challenge is really helping me to be patient with myself. I'm working on not berating myself for a wandering mind. That's why they call it a meditation practice. Same with yoga, I am practicing every day to improve. This has been much more interesting than drinking my problems away, and much healthier.
My yogi teabag gave me a quote that is very fitting for this current challenge. "Live through consciousness, not through emotion" Something for me to strive for, and meditation should help. I'm the first to admit that A LOT of my life's decisions have been made from my emotions. Some good, some bad.
Today when I came out of the meditation, I felt groggy and kind of out of it, where as usually I feel somewhat energized. So interesting!
Happy Saturday!

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