Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thirty Days of Meditation

Today is December 30th, which means it is day thirty of my meditation challenge. It has been challenging for sure. There have been days where y mind hasn't stopped once, and there have been days that I didn't want to do it, and wanted to just give up. What has kept me going is the rewards I can't deny. I feel calmer overall, and I know it sounds so beyond cliche, but I really do feel more balanced. I feel like I've gotten better at responding, not reacting. I also notice that I'm able to turn around some negative thoughts. I remember one day last week I was going to Target for whatever. I wanted to catch the bus, and as I was walking to the stop, the bus drove on by, and I missed it. I started getting pissed, and frustrated and all of those bad feelings. Prior to this I had been in a pretty good mood. I decided to just walk, it isn't that far, and it wasn't raining, and it wasn't too cold. So just like that the light bulb came on, and I just wasn't pissed anymore. And the brisk walk in the fresh air actually made me feel better, gave me a shot of energy. I had a few situations like that where i just was able to look at the positive. It's like I'm able to acknowledge the negative, but focus on the positive.
I also am also more aware of all that I have to be grateful for. It's so easy to lose track. I'm ashamed to admit how many times I struggled to even think of more than one or two things to be grateful for.
I checked the weather Monday, and grey old Seattle is going to be sunny, as in cloud free sunny for the next five days! And then two more partially cloudy/sunny days before back to the rain! When I first saw that, my very first thought was, 2016 is going to be an amazing year. That is such a good sign to start it off sunny in Seattle! I haven't had faith in a New Year being any better than the last in I don't know how long. Honestly, I don't know if I've ever believed things were going to get better, or that maybe I could find happiness.
I'm continuing on with the meditation challenge. There is just too much evidence that meditation is having a positive impact on my life for me to ignore. Starting Friday January 1st, I will increase my time to ten minutes. I also hope to one day move to silent meditation, but for now I feel like I need the guidance. Maybe for month three I will try silent! It feels so great to have hope, and feel that energetic feeling of change!
Are you planning on any challenges for the new year?


  1. Glad to hear meditation has been helping you & that you will be continuing with your challenge! :) I'm planning to increase my 10-min meditation to 15; lately, when the timer goes off, I've been like, "That was ten minutes?!" hahaha

    1. That's so great to hear! I keep hoping to increase and improve my practice. I guess it's pretty similar to yoga in that way. It's been really amazing, I'm glad for you too!

  2. I found a YouTube yoga challenge, and I am excited because I think I need a little something to do. You know, focus on my actions rather than just meditate. Or hopefully use it to branch out to meditation. The instructor really seems to focus on clearing your mind, and is very friendly (ie not talking about working towards your hot bikini bod, ugh) I have to say you talking about meditation has inspired me to do yoga.

    1. That's so great to hear! I've been doing yoga for many years, but only in the last year or so have i been really serious about it. In the past I kind of dialed it in. It's hard to take yoga seriously when you are dying for a beer and a cigarette! Ha ha! But I've noticed a deeper connection to my body now that I'm taking it serious, and even more so since I've been meditating. I love Yoga with Adrienne and Fightmaster Yoga, both on YouTube, and both are very body positive. I definitely avoid any kind of bikini body anything to be honest! I think it's going to be a really great year!

    2. Yoga with Adrienne is the channel I've been doing the fitness channel on. She is really cool, and I like how "flexible" she is the poses. It isn't about how bendy you are, but about loosening up and finding some peace... at least that is what I've taken away from it.

  3. I'm feeling drawn towards yoga too. I've got a few DVDs I like but I need to check out You Tube too. My challenge for 2016 is definitely to try to get fitter but also to read more and do some creative stuff.
