Saturday, December 26, 2015


I was writing in my journal today, and I saw a quote that I had written down the other day. I write down any quote that means anything to me. I don't remember where it came from, but it's a good one.
"Let your smile change the world, but never let the world change your smile." Something to remember. Letting the world change my smile is a very big fear of mine.
I was talking about rearranging my furniture the other day and I did change my living room. I'm a minimalist so it was really just moving a futon and a bookshelf, but change is change. I have been feeling a little more inspired. I don't know if it's Feng Shui or what, but I like it, and once the felines got over the indignation of things changing, I think they like it too. I've even started thinking of some resolutions, or goals for the New Year. I haven't done that in a million years!
Once I have my list done, I will of course write about it! It's exciting to think in a more positive way. It's a nice club I'm very happy to be a member of. It's taken a lot of work to get her, and it feels good but weird. And putting it out there makes it real, and holds me accountable. It's super easy to have lofty goals, and but lose interest when it comes time to put in the work. Back when I was living a very unhealthy life, I used to kind of get a giggle out of people who swore by positive affirmations. I would try to stand in front of the mirror and say whatever affirmation, and I would just feel so awkward, and like I was totally wasting my time. I wonder why they never helped me back then? So, that old cynical me is probably gagging, but I think the positive affirmations I've been listening to at night have really been working with the meditation to get to that part of my brain that no antidepressant, alcohol, street drug or therapist could get to. Things only work when you believe, and allow them to work. Nothing huge has happened, but there is a shift I can feel.
I hope everyone is having an amazing Saturday.

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