Thursday, December 17, 2015

Laughs and Stuff

Have you seen this video? It is absolutely hysterical! My favorite part is when the guy says "we used to eat our food, now we just take pictures of it" I almost fell over laughing! I am not that into Instagramming, and even I sometimes think, I just want to eat my damn food, it's going to be cold soon! I've been in a bit of a holiday funk, so laughs are greatly appreciated right now. The thing about feeling blue around the holidays is there is just NO ESCAPE. If your in your own home, reading a book your safe, but other than that just deal with it. And some of the Christmas songs are seriously sad! The other day I was in a store and got teary eyed! All it took was that one tear and the emotions were turned on! I almost cried on the bus going home, it was a whole thing. I'm usually able to hold in the waterworks in public, but I guess it's that time of year.  Maybe I'll get visited by some ghosts this year, because there was a time when I loved the holidays, but that part of me was lost a long time ago.
Before we get to dark, I am happy to report that I had a much easier time meditating today. I did a guided meditation focusing on reducing anxiety. I actually stayed in silence and with no racing thoughts for a few minutes after the video was over. Pretty much the opposite of  the past couple of days. I would say today was probably the most focused I've been. I'm glad I didn't give up! Since I'm extending my challenge another month, I think I might try silent meditation for January. That is really my ultimate goal. Although right now I feel like I need the guidance, sometimes they are too chatty, or they talk too fast, and it gets irritating which is obviously not what your supposed to feel when your meditating! My best advice to anyone wanting to get in the habit of meditating is patience, patience, patience. No one is perfect, and there are just some days when your mind just won't quiet. Meditation is a good thing, and a good, kind habit so don't beat yourself up if it takes some time. The deeper I get in the pool of healthy choices and living, the more I understand progress not perfection.

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