Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Meditate to Manifest

As I've been cutting down on my gossip reading, I've tried filling that time with more positive hobbies. Like reading an actual book instead of  Perez Hilton, and getting back into meditation. I've flirted with meditation in the past, and gone through phases where I've done it almost daily, but it's never become a part of my life. I always feel like I'm not a real yogi, because meditation is not something that I do, and it hasn't been something I've made a priority. I have been doing five minute guided meditations for the past two days, and today I tried a fifteen minute guided meditation that lost me after eight minutes or so. It's like anything else, you have to work on it, and improve over time. I want to see if it can help clear up some of my bad feelings that I have shoved down, and not dealt with. People don't overindulge in whatever bad habit for no reason. It's to mask or cover things and feelings that are difficult to deal with. So, guided meditation is a lot cheaper than therapy! I've decided just now that i am doing a thirty day meditation challenge! I will be meditating every day from December first(today) till December thirty first. I guess I'm doing a thirty one day challenge! Anyway, I will be writing down in my journal how I feel each day after meditating, and see if it has helped lighten my emotional load a little. I also looked a little into manifestation this weekend, and that's something I'm trying to slowly incorporate into my life. Baby steps though, I feel like meditation is the first step.
I'm very interested, do you meditate, has it improved your life, do you practice manifesting?
I'll be keeping track of my progress in my journal, and here, so if anyone is curious, check back!
If anyone is interested in taking part in this challenge, we can all talk about it here, I would love to discuss how it is working, do we feel different, is it hard, etc. I think support is awesome, and I think the more of us getting in touch with our inner light the better!


  1. I'm totally on the same page with you here! I've thought the same things you have thought when it comes to meditation. I LOVE this challenge. Mind if I join you???

    1. I would love it! As a matter of fact, I'm going to add an edit to this post and invite anyone who is interested in the benefits of meditation! If it helps, YouTube has a ton of guided meditations. And Lesley Fightmaster of Fightmaster yoga has guided meditations also!

    2. Cool :) I enjoy Evan Rock on YouTube

  2. One of my goals for 2015 was to meditate each day; I started with 5 minutes and now I do 10. It's not much, but it does help! :)

    1. I'm glad to hear it helps! That's what I'm starting out with is five minutes. I'm starting wit guided meditation, and hope to move to just my own practice, but i think that will take awhile!
