Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Meditation Day Two, Tissue Please!

I had a very interesting experience today while doing my five minute meditation. I cried pretty violently through some of it. Like I said yesterday, I've dabbled with meditation here and there throughout the years, and Had never experienced that. But, at one point I was getting frustrated with myself, and the person guiding the meditation said something about not judging your feelings, and to just let them be, and to kind of float over them. I actually felt myself floating above everything. I even had a moment where I pictured myself floating, and I  was with all kinds of animals and it was so amazing because we we all safe and the animals had no fear. It was pretty amazing. It seemed like a lot happened in five minutes, and I was very shocked at how fast that five minutes went. I don't know how to describe how I felt when I came out of it, but I felt very different than I had five minutes ago.
I have stuffed a lot of issues and pain over the years, so this doesn't really surprise me. I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong, because when you see people meditate, they always look like the exact definition of serene. I had a very hard time clearing my head also The best I could do was let the thoughts pass through. I came across this article, and it explained a lot to me, and I thought I would pass on the information in case anyone else has this issue. I think the important thing is like everything else, it takes time and patience. I know that for me, I need to face this pain and deal with it if I actually want to be happy. It's been weighing me down, and helping me make bad choices for too long. So, I'm going to keep working on this, because something is happening, I can already feel it!
I saw this quote on a YouTube video, and it really stuck with me. I've been writing it every day in my journal. "We accept the love we think we deserve" Pretty powerful. It explains so much of my life and relationships I've allowed up to this point.
Is meditation a part of your life, or do you want it to be?


  1. I've dabbled in it and whenever I get into it, I find it really helpful. I feel quite blocked to it at the moment though but reading your posts is making me think I should have another go. I will check out some of the people you've mentioned.

    1. I really recommend trying it when you feel ready! I didn't feel ready myself, but I'm finding five minutes of guided meditation is working out well, and the time actually flies! I feel like it's helping me, and I do feel better after taking that time.
