Friday, November 20, 2015

Et tu, Brute?

I have to have a little rant session. I think subconsciously that is one of the reasons I started a second blog. To Rant. That way I can keep my first blog all vegan and kind and stuff.
So, I bought some chocolate liqueur cherries from Trader Joe's. I have had liqueur cherries before and enjoyed them. So, I got these home and tried one, and the burn was real! It was like these were filled with moonshine. I thought, okay, maybe I had an empty stomach, so I tried another after eating some food, and the burn was worse. I seriously felt like my stomach was getting burned. To be honest, the burn is still there. I paid six dollars for these, and while that's a fine deal if they were tasty, six dollars is a lot to pay to have your stomach burned from the inside. So, I called them today to see if I could return/exchange them. I explained to the person I talked to how much these burned. She was very nice, and first said of course you can bring them back. But, then the conversation kind of took a turn for the worse. She informed me that she has never heard anyone else have this complaint, and some people "you know, just have like sensitive stomachs" It irritated me because it's the age old corporate give the customer what they want, but also blame them. I have never in my life had a sensitive stomach. I know I probably shouldn't even be ranting, because like I said, she was nice, and they are letting me exchange, but I just didn't like the customer is wrong vibe at the end. I have dealt with that at so many different places, and I was very surprised to have it happen at Trader Joe's, since I place them way above other companies. But, at the end of the day hey are still a corporation. Sigh.
Here is a review I came across noting the burn. There are several others floating around. These companies forget that people don't always give feedback at the stores. I may blog about something I love from Trader Joe's, and tell everyone I know, but that doesn't mean when I'm shopping there I tell my cashier what I love. Anyway, in the grand scheme of life this is filed under petty gripes for sure, but I still needed to vent. I already feel better!

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