Friday, November 6, 2015

Return to Sender

One of the biggest problems in my last relationship was my ex's aggressive show of not listening to me. I've experienced people not listening before, but usually people at least try to look a little interested. My ex was nothing if not brutally honest. For the most part he totally denied being a horrible listener, and when I would bring it up it would result in a huge argument. At some point he finally didn't deny being a horrible listener, instead he informed me that it wasn't that he was a horrible listener, it was just that he wasn't interested in anything I talked about. Please keep in mind that I wasn't trying to talk to him about make-up. He doesn't really care about politics or world events, and he could not care less about veganism. He also doesn't read, like anything. It's not that he doesn't know how to read, it's just that he has no interest in books, magazines, online magazines/articles. If it isn't on reddit, it doesn't matter to him. I let this affect me, and it made me question myself in every way. In no way do I think I am the world's most interesting person, but I also know I'm not the most boring either. But yet it made me this insecure person around him, constantly questioning myself, constantly trying to keep myself in check, keep track of how long I was talking, try to think of what could be interesting topics, etc. It was a lot of work, and a lot of insecurity. It trickled down to other people too. If I was at a store, having the usual chit chat as you check out, I would worry that I talked too much, or that I totally bored the cashier and everyone around.  I remember one fight we had over him not listening, I said to him, please just tell me to shut the eff up when I'm boring you that much. He clutched his pearls and said, "I could never be that cold and rude" So funny, because completely ignoring someone when they talk is just a passive aggressive shut the eff up. But he just refused to see any kind of similarity.
I've been reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and the second agreement is don't take anything personally. This has been something I've struggled with my whole life. I think it's a really tough one. But it's something that I want to work on.  This paragraph stood out to me. "Someone can intentionally send emotional poison, and if you don't take it personally, you won't eat it. When you don't take the emotional poison, it becomes even worse in the sender, but not in you." I can think of a billion times in my life when I have eaten the emotional poison.
Here's to forever pursuing the dream, whatever your dream is. I will never stop fighting for animals, and I will always care about politics, environmental issues, and world issues. There is already too much apathy in this world, I can't let anyone steal my voice.
Are you able to let other people's stuff roll off your shoulders, or do you struggle with taking things personal?


  1. I think we've all been guilty of not listening. I know I do it to my husband when he talks sports, but it is hard when is talking about baseball or how something isn't "fair" (the isn't "fair" talks is a little more annoying as to me comes off as more like misdirected anger) but I can't imagine both of us not listening to each other at all! I assume you have plenty of interesting things to talk about, especially since I find your blog interesting on a daily basis.

    1. I agree about not listening sometimes. I can really get going on certain topics, so I never expected him to never space out, but to ALWAYS space out was a little rough to bear. And thank you so much!
