Sunday, November 15, 2015

I'm a Softie

So, two days ago I entered the modern world kicking and screaming, and joined Instagram! I have no idea what I'm doing, and although I have posted a few pictures, I have no real idea of what is going on, what I'm doing, where do the pictures go? So many questions, blah blah blah. I somehow downloaded the app from my computer, but now Instagram is on my phone, and I can't access my account from my computer, and it's frustrating because I really want to edit my profile and such from my laptop. When I try to google for help, sometimes the answers make the problem worse. Like I might as well be talking to a doctor about medical stuff. I simply don't understand. I might just go to the library ans ask for help from a stranger, because at this point I feel anyone, including a nine year old, and also a ninety year old know more than me!
The biggest thing that scares me about stepping more in to social media is people. I have been shocked and very dismayed by some of the mean comments I've read on other people's social media, and I'm talking about vegans! I am a very sensitive person, and my opinion has been that I should stay away. I flirted with the idea of starting my own YouTube channel when I first started blogging, but I quickly realized I don't have that hard shell that I feel like you need to deal with the onslaught of hate and judgement. And sadly I am once again talking about the vegan community. My sensitivity is one of my best qualities, in my opinion. My whole life every single person I've ever known has told me to "stop being so sensitive" or "I need to develop a thick skin" and so on. I'm sure every sensitive person out there has heard the same things. But, I think just like the world needs those people who charge through life and do their thang without caring what others think, we need sensitive souls to balance everything out. The world needs sensitivity. So, I somehow after everything I've endured in life still don't have a hard shell, and I want to stay that way. I don't want to be a hardened person.
I don't plan on posting selfies, or any picture of myself on my Instagram, so at least I won't have to hear about my looks or weight. But I do want to showcase vegan food. I really want to help show people how honestly delicious vegan food is, and how there really is something for everyone. But, I will be showing all kinds of vegan food, including some vegan junk.
I guess I'm doing it as a trial. If things start hurting my feelings, I will sign off. There are many ways to spread the vegan message. Isn't it sad that this is how it is? I can't imagine I'm the only person who feels this way.
Anyway, as I've been talking about working on my patience, this whole Instagram thing is a great example. I'm doing a lot of learning as I go, and the lessons are hit or miss, but so far I haven't gotten pissed  and thrown my phone, or any other fits. And, I've posted several pictures, and actually learned some things, because i exercised patience. It's weird how things all tie together if you pay attention.
Are you on Instagram?  How do you cope with negativity online? Will I ever fully understand it?


  1. I generally find instagram pretty open, but then again, it isn't like I have a huge following or anything. I think a lot of hate comes when people start posting pictures of themselves, not that it is an invitation to leave hurtful comments. Pretty much instagram is just twitter with photos, and oddly I found twitter SO MUCH more confusing than instagram! I still feel like I am doing things wrong on there XD

    What is your username?

    1. I'm yogadogwalker on Instagram. I still have to edit my profile, and add a icture and such. I've been kind of testing the waters like i did and still am doing with twitter. I always try to think of witty tweets, but tweeting isn't my strong suit!
      Tell me yours too!

    2. My username for instagram is onerawbite, I started to follow yours. If you want to follow me on twitter it's onesonicbite. I am not so witty with tweets either, so most of the time I just retweet other things lol

    3. That's so funny! I have crowned myself the queen of the retweet! I followed you this am on instagram, I'll go find you on twitter, we can retweet tons of things!
