Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I just watched this video, and I found it very moving. If you watch it, watch it until the end. The last words in the video are incredibly moving, and so true. I can't believe the world we live in. What is happening? I remember a time when things like this didn't happen on what seems to be a daily basis. What scares me the most is that so many terrible violent things are happening so often, we are getting jaded, and immune to the severity of what it all means. I look at the faces of these two men and my heart breaks.
I don't know how we can make this stop. I know we need it to stop. Everybody does. Our world is becoming too filled with hate, and rage.
My heart is very heavy, and I desperately want to know how to change this? If you have seven minutes, please watch this video.
Give someone a hug and a compliment today.

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