Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Vegan YouTube, a Rant

Today I have a rant. I have tried to let this feeling of anger and indignation go, but it's really hanging on, and I thinks I need me a rant. So, earlier this morning I was watching a vegan YouTuber I enjoy doing a review of a vegan chicken nugget or strip. She does these reviews about once a week of different vegan convenience or junk foods, and the videos are enjoyable to watch, and I would imagine helpful to non vegans who are a little veg curious. So, I was scrolling down the comments as I do, because I like to see if any non vegans give some feedback. As an ethical vegan, I am interested in connecting with the open minded non vegan people, because I want less people to eat animals. So, I'm reading comments, and another somewhat well known vegan YouTuber left a comment that said "Gee I wonder why you're not getting leaner long term" A few others chimed in about how these videos are promoting processed crap, and not healthy whole foods. I have had non vegans say to me in the past that I am the "least Judgmental" vegan they've met. That comment always kind of put me off guard, because I had never really met any judgmental vegans either, and I wondered who these mythical, miserable judgmental people were. They were hanging out on YouTube! I have a problem with this attitude for several reasons. As someone with an eating disordered past, and also body image issues, this hurts my feelings. The person in question, who isn't "lean enough" is not even overweight. I understand that obesity and shitty eating is a huge problem in this country, but we don't all have to look like Freelee the banana girl in order to be healthy, or attractive. As a vegan, I am turned off from veganism because of these negative attitudes. Whether these health gurus like it or not, there are people out there who eat beige foods all day, and consider a small dinner salad made with iceberg lettuce to be their vegetable intake for the day. I've watched the inspiring documentaries with people who drop the crap food and green juice it and look and feel fabulous. They are so inspiring, and yes, some people get inspired and become healthy. Others watch it and have a pepperoni pizza. Not everyone desires a vegan diet at all, let alone one full of raw fruit and veg. I wish it were different, but we are a junk food nation, and have been for a long time. And animals are dying and suffering immensely because of it. I want that to stop, I want to welcome people to veganism, and I want them to know that they can still have a greasy cheeseburger, a chicken nugget, even Taco Bell if they desire, and no one has to get hurt and die. We can judge their vegan food choices later, okay? Let's get them off of animals first. This does not help the already somewhat negative stereotype of vegans. We take one step forward, and these angry, above it all YouTubers take us twenty steps back. It's hard for me to believe that they even care about animals, because these nasty attitudes are not helping the animals at all. Vegans are attacking other vegans, I don't understand. If you don't like someone's food choices, as long as the food is vegan why not just leave it alone? Or, why not leave a comment airing your disagreement, but keeping it to the food, not going after the weight? If I would have read that comment back in my bulimic days, it would have sent me into a tailspin, because like I said, the person in question is not overweight. Our snarky words have power. And what frustrates me the most, is that a lot of these people insist that if you don't agree with their tactics that you are not a "real" vegan. And if you aren't lean, you are not a good spokesperson for veganism. What kind of  religious cult like thinking is that? Unbelievable. I actually believed it for awhile, and when the shitty attitude started getting to me, I questioned myself for some time. Vegans are a serious minority. Animals are dying because we are and continue to be a minority. Is the answer to silence and shame other vegans because they don't live the way you do? Is it right to make someone feel as if they shouldn't speak up for ANIMALS because they don't have the perfect BMI? Is that what veganism is all about? Because if it is, I will take my no animal eating, wearing, using, harming ass over to the side, and speak up for animals in my own way. I've never liked labels anyway.
As a little P.S. I wanted to say that there are some cool vegan YouTubers that I enjoy, and I feel show how normal being vegan really is. Vegans of all shapes and sizes, and all different eating styles. So they are out there. It's just sad to me that some of the loudest voices with the most subscribers are very toxic and negative, and in no way represent the vegan that I am, or would ever want to be.


  1. Much agreed. There are so many blogs I don't read because the author has such bad attitude. It is a similar problem with the exercise community. If you aren't thin you aren't working out enough or right or whatever. And that isn't true. Everyone is shaped differently, and if you are large because you don't work out hard enough, some form of exercise is enough. Veganism is different since you don't become a vegan for yourself, you should be doing it for the animals. Not everyone does. I think if you adopt speciesist values, you wouldn't be judgemental of other people's choices. I think after learning about speciesism, I've been less judgemental of some humans because I treat them more like "animals" and some animals more like humans. That might sound silly, but if I don't understand someone it is can be easier to say "they think differently, so I just need another way to talk to them"

    1. I've been thinking about this issue a lot, and I bet it happens in the non vegan health world as well. It just frustrates me when people act like this and are spreading this message with the word vegan in it, and it really helps fuel the negative stereotype.
      I know this country has an obesity problem, but that doesn't mean everyone who isn't "lean" is obese or unhealthy. I want to be healthy, but I don't really feel a need or want to be super lean.
      I just get so upset because we need to save animals, I just can't believe vegans are attacking other vegans over such trivial issues.

    2. Although this person wasn't vegan (I don't think at least) wrote a rant about gyms. The person themselves were quite fit, and was a bodybuilder. She was complaining about the exclusiveness of the gym goers and how they would make fun of the new "fat" people who signed up for the gym. Her argument was they were taking the first steps, otherwise they would never be fit like they were. So what are you making fun of them for? For not always being hot and thin? And by shaming these people you are just forcing them out of the gym and leaving them stranded, which I know a lot of people are nervous about being judged in a gym setting. The same idea applies to veganism, if a person is eating Sweet Chili Doritos and started out going vegan, so what? They are taking the first step to helping animals, and maybe trying to be healthy, who knows. People do get discouraged by all this exclusiveness. I read that Jon Stewart is "working towards a vegetarian diet" and I find that annoying. Not that he is trying to not eat meat, but that he has to word it that way to vegans don't go "GOTCHA!" when they catch him eating something that might have an animal by product in it.

    3. That is one of the main reasons I don't go to a gym. YouTube has all the workouts I need, and no one but my cats to judge. (They only judge when I do hip hop abs, and to their credit I am no hip hop dancer) Everyone has to start somewhere like you said, and the judgment and shaming discourage people. And animals die because of that. Jon Stewart and his wife are opening an animal sanctuary, which is doing a lot for for animals than the vegan police who sit and wait to post shaming, bitchy YouTube videos. It's so frustrating, and I just can't stand how mean people are. Some adults never really lose that mean spirited high school mentality. I just want to hulk out at them!!

    4. I don't go to a gym either but it does break my heart when people say things like that. I think 90% of the fitness community is actually pretty open and welcoming. That being said, I do find gyms MOSTLY a waste of money XD I wouldn't sign up for one unless I wanted to use a pool or was a super big body builder.

      I love Bite Size Vegan, you might like her youtube channel. Anyways, she just released this video yesterday and it is perfect timing. I like her video because they are very education centered.

    5. It breaks my heart too. The world is mean enough, and when someone is trying to make a healthy, positive change they should be supported and applauded! I love Bite size Vegan too! Thanks, I'm going to go check out that video now!!
